Ricette di viaggio Weekend con gusto

Weekend ‘green’ a Londra. Scopriamola attraverso i suoi parchi


LONDON MEAT PIE, the recipe

For 6 people

2 rolls of ready-made puff pastry

2 thick slices of smoked bacon
750 grams of beef
2 tablespoons of flour
half a cup of meat broth
half a cup of tomato paste
2 tablespoons of worchester sauce
2 tablespoons of aromatic herbs

1 tablespoon of mustard powder
1 egg
half onion
extra virgin olive oil to taste
Salt to taste.


Brown the diced bacon and onion in hot oil. It takes 5 minutes and then
add the meat and cook for another 5 minutes, stirring often. Add stock, flour, tomato paste, Worcestershire, mixed herbs and mustard. Cook without a lid to allow some of the liquid to evaporate. Spread a roll of puff pastry on a baking sheet and prick it, Beat an egg in a bowl and brush it on the edges. Add the meat. Seal the pie with the second roll by pressing well on the edges. Make 1 cut in the center and brush the surface. Oven preheated to 180 °. Bake for about 40 minutes and remove from the oven when the surface is golden and crisp.

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